
Electrodiagnostic Testing

Electrodiagnostic Testing Services Offered In Alpharetta, GA

Electrodiagnostic Testing

Electrodiagnostic Testing Services Offered In Alpharetta, GA

About Electrodiagnostic Testing

If you have unexplained muscle weakness, or pain and/or tingling in your limbs, electrodiagnostic testing is available at Greene Neurological and Medical Consulting to assess your symptoms. Dr. Greene is highly skilled in performing and interpreting the results of electromyography (EMG), nerve conduction studies (NCS), and other electrodiagnostic tests. Your test results can provide vital information about your condition and how to customize a treatment plan to help you feel better.

Electrodiagnostic Testing Q & A

What is electrodiagnostic testing?

Your motor nerves send electrical signals to your brain that control your muscles, and your sensory nerves provide your brain with information about your surroundings. When you have an underlying disease or injury, it can disrupt the signals between your nerves, muscles, and brain. Electrodiagnostic testing evaluates the electrical signals that originate in your nerves and muscles and travel to your brain. Testing can diagnose a range of conditions, including peripheral neuropathy, radiculopathy, and various neuromuscular diseases. Greene Neurological and Medical Consulting offers electrodiagnostic testing technologies in the office.

When would I need electrodiagnostic testing?

You may be a candidate for electrodiagnostic testing if you have persistent symptoms like weakness, numbness, pain, or tingling in your limbs, back, or neck. Electrodiagnostic testing can confirm or rule out conditions like:

  • Sciatica
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Polyneuropathy
  • Radiculopathy (compression on the spinal nerve roots)
  • Myopathy/muscle disorder
  • Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
  • Neuromuscular disorders, such as myasthenia gravis
  • Guillain-Barre syndrome

  • Additionally, electrodiagnostic testing may be necessary to evaluate the healing of damaged nerves after an accident or surgery.

    Which electrodiagnostic testing services are available?

  • Electromyography (EMG): EMG records the electrical activity in your muscles. Your provider inserts thin needles into targeted muscles to record activity when your muscles are moving and at rest.

  • Nerve conduction studies (NCS): Nerve conduction studies evaluate the function of nerves. Electrodes are attached to your skin along the pathway of the nerve. The electrodes deliver currents of electrical energy to stimulate the nerve and determine how fast nerve signals travel.

  • After electrodiagnostic testing is complete, Dr. Greene analyzes your results and discusses options for further testing or any necessary treatments. Call the office to learn more about electrodiagnostic testing, or request an appointment online today.